Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wallmate War

So yesterday was my first day of classes since friday. Of course my first class is the class I have to sit up front for and the professor is the one who likes to pick on me in class (he is also the one who is leading my trip to Kenya over spring break). So I knew with my new haircut he was going to say something. Basically everyone in the beginning of class were all complimenting me and making sure I knew that I got my hair cut (via "you got a haircut"). So of course Dr. Grant had to go ahead and say "yes, we all see that Amanda has got a haircut" or something to that matter, and then proceded to say, "and she hates it when I point her out in class, so if I don't return from Kenya, you know who the first suspect is."

Anyway, everyone loves my new do! I am getting a little better at styling it. I'm sure after a week or so I'll have it down.

In other news Tuesday evening my wallmates were playing rockband very loudly. This was around 10 and I was trying to go to bed early. Then I finally fell asleep around 10:30ish and about 11:10 I wake up to hear a loud scream coming from the hallway. Then girls were giggling and talking. Sounded a lot like my wallmates. So yesterday morning when I got up and was getting ready about 7:30am I decided I should begin my day listening to La Traviata which is a italian opera type song (is off of the Twilight soundtrack). So I causually turn up my volume like I would as if I was listening to it during the mid afternoon or maybe it was a bit louder than that, and turned my speakers towards the outlet in the shared wall. After some La Traviata, I continued my morning listening to Dead Poetic. Oh and lets not forget I decided to blow dry my hair right by the shared wall. So later yesterday afternoon when I was coming up to my room I ran into one of my wallmates in the dorm building near the stairs. She did a small forced smile, not even a hey, and then walked very quickly up to our floor so I was just far enough behind her that she wouldn't have to hold the door open for me. My guess is that she didn't quite enjoy waking up to La Traviata at 7:30 that morning.

Last night around 10 again they started blaring their music, but it didn't last long and they were quiet at 11 which is when quiet hours begin. My guess is they wanted to get back at me, but at the same time knew they'd get into trouble being that loud after quiet hours. anyway, anytime they are loud after 11, I am getting up early and being as loud as I want to. I even created an early morning play list so on the days I don't have to get up early I could wake up early to turn it on and put it on repeat then go back to bed and sleep.


just_me_tiff said...

hahah this is amazing!

Kelly said...

hahaha! i love your revenge tactics. that's totally the route i would go. and if it doesn't stop soon, passive agressive notes under their door.

btw, it's a good thing everyone was reminding you that you got your hair cut. you wouldn't want to forget something like that.

you get to go to kenya over spring break? that's so awesome... i'm jealous!


Unknown said...

oh Amanda! i love it when you are ruthless!

Nicky Stade said...

You have guts woman. I would have just suffered. I admire you!! HAHA!

(and just an FYI: my word verification for this post is "endeness" in you're putting an ENDeNESS to your wallmates?? HAHAHA)