Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lonely Days in the Office

So this week in the office, most of my coworkers are gone to a conference. This leaves me, the receptionist and 2 other coworkers. Yesterday, one of my coworkers (the one closest to me), was gone so it was just the three of us. It's really quiet. I don't know if I like all this peace and quiet. I need people around.

The nice thing is that the workstudies don't have other work to do so I get to give them projects to work on. My files are looking pretty sharp now. :)

A couple weeks left of classes. I have a lot to do though. I have a 5-7 page paper I haven't even started yet due Thursday. I have church right after work Wednesday so I don't have time to get it done then so I just have tonight. After I finish this paper, I need to begin working on an extra credit paper due Monday (it's another long paper). On top of that paper I have a presentation to give on Monday so I have to start working on that with my partner. Luckily after these papers and presentation, all I have left in the semester is a test.

I so badly need motivation to get this stuff done. I forgot how hard it is to get homework done when having a roommate. I lucked out when I lived in the dorms because I got my own room. Now not only do I share and apartment, but I share my bedroom too. If I start working on an assignment in the livingroom, the roommate will want to watch tv so I will move to the bedroom (which I have very limited desk space.) If I am still working on it later on in the evening, I'll have to trade spots because my roommate then will want to go to bed. I will admit I miss having my own space so I do whatever when I need to. It's never fun to try to work my schedule around other people, especially when right now I'm so busy and my free time is very limited. As it is I couldn't unpack my stuff from the weekend last night because I went from work to class and I got back after 9 from my class. My roommate was tired so she got in bed early so I couldn't do anything with all my bags since I didn't want to bother her while she slept and I needed the light.

I bet you anything when my roommate gets home tonight and I am sitting working working on my paper, she'll ask if I want to go see a movie or rent a movie or do something. She might ask if I have class first, but when I say no, those will be the next questions. Last time I was doing some reading for a class after I told her I couldn't go to a movie because I needed to get homework done, she began watching tv. While I was reading she'd then ask me what they just said on tv because she missed it. I don't know if she understands the concept of me reading for a homework assignment and not being able to pay closer attention to what is on tv than she can.

I need to find a good place to get my studying done. No longer do I live in a dorm where I have a study room on my floor or a library right next door. I may end up having to drive to campus tonight and spend time in the oh so dreaded library. Evangel's library is my last resort. We are not friends. This mainly steming from my semester of Sophomore Seminar in Biblical Studies where all my homework assignments made me spend hours upon hours in the library looking up information for such tedious assignments. I remember getting so frustrated with the class where while trying to locate the books I needed to complete the assignment, I just sat down in the middle of the stacks. I have not had good memories in the library, but I do need to just suck it up.

So this blog ended up being longer than expected. I guess I shall end it here.

1 comment:

just_me_tiff said...

i can't imagine sharing a room, but i would totally do the same thing...watch tv and ask you questions about it LOL. I'm terrible, kolby has been studying for months and i HAVE to either leave the house to make myself really busy so i don't bug him