Thursday, February 19, 2009

Because Densie Wanted Me Too...

I filled out the Twilight survey that Denise filled out a long time ago...some of the questions are irrelevent due to the fact that I am taking this after the last book came out and the first movie.

Twilight Survey
Which book in the series is your favorite? Tough question...I loved everybook. Probably Twilight, then my next favorite is Eclipse, New Moon, then Breaking Dawn however all the books are just plain amazing!!!

How long did it take you to read the books? one day each....I couldn't sleep unless I finished them lol

Who introduced you to the books? No one in particular. the movie had just come out and there was a huge fan base and I thought it was the dumbest thing ever. Then a girl on my floor bought the first book to see what the big deal was about them thinking the same thing as me, we decided to go see the movie too, and we had two hours to kill so she read the first 2 chapters aloud to a few of us, and I was addicted and bought the books myself soon after

Did you buy them, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift? I bought them all

Are you most looking forward to: Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, or the movie? Well I have read both, and watched the movie. I guess I am now looking forward to New Moon the movie which comes out to theathers November 20th!!!

What's your dream ending to the series? I liked how it ended. I would say what I would add or change, but that might ruin it for those who haven't finished reading the series...

Who is your favorite character? Edward, he has so much conflict going on and he always tries to do what is best for others and not think of himself. although he does give into his selfish side and becomes friends with Bella.

Who's your favorite vampire?Edward, but besides him, Alice, I love Alice!

Who is your favorite werewolf? Jacob of course!!

What's one of your favorite quotes from the stories? thats a tough one. umm i really like the quote "so the lion fell in love with a lamb. what a stupid lamb. what a sick masochistic lion"

What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment? There were quite a few. I think I would say the first night that Edward stayed in her room that she knew about. or wait, the afternoon they spend in the meadow. way better in the book than the movie.

What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment? there are several. i like the part where he first teaches her how to ride the motorcycle and has to take her to the emergency room. but i also love the part when they go to the movie with mike and he promises her he will always be there for her, or the part after he becomes a werewolf and he comes to her room to try to get her to guess what happened to him. or in eclipse when he first kisses her and she hits him.

How about your favorite Bella and Alice moment? umm probably in the last book (i would explain which part, but i don't want to give it away); next to that would be the part when alice comes back when she thought bella killed herself

What was your favorite adventure/battle? It would be in the last book, or the battle with victoria in eclipse

Which book cover was your favorite? NewMoon

Are these books among your favorite books of all? among them yes! definitaly!!

This or That?
Twilight or New Moon? Twilight

New Moon or Eclipse? Eclipse

Eclipse or Twilight?Twilight

Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun? I read both...well at least what she has done of midnight sun online. I hope she finishes it one day. it is amazing!!!

Midnight Sun or the Twilight Movie? I read it and watched it. the movie was good, but the book is better

The Twilight Movie or Breaking Dawn? watched, and read. hmmmm breaking dawn

Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacob? Edward

Who do you like more:
Bella or Edward? Edward

Bella or Jacob? Jacob

Bella or Alice? hmm...I really like Alice...but I'll say Bella

Alice or Edward? Edward but I do like Alice

Alice or Jacob? probably jacob

Rosalie or Alice? Alice cuz i do not like rosalie at all....even after hearing her story

Jasper or Alice? Alice

Jasper or Edward? Edward

Carlisle or Esme? Carlisle

Emmett or Jasper? Emmet...he's like a big teddy bear!!!

Emmett or Jacob? Jacob

Bella or Rosalie? Bella

Esme or Charlie? Charlie

Charlie or Carlisle? Charlie

Charlie or Billy? Charlie

Jacob or Sam? definitaly jacob. i don't like sam at all either

Sam or Quil? Quil

Quil or Embry?Quil

Who's the better villain: James or Victoria?James because he wasn't afraid to fight like victoria was

Werewolves or Vampires? hmm......i like the vampires, but its nice that the werewolves can be human, and I'm cold a lot so they could warm me up lol

Movie Stuff:
How did you first find out about the movie? from my penelope dvd. it had a behind the scenes of twilight at the beginning

Are you excited? not at the time cuz i wasn't into it. but I did end up seeing it like 5 times in theaters and I can't wait till it comes to dvd.

What do you think of the casting so far? I liked the casting, although im not a krisitn stewart fan, and I think she didn't do a very good job. i felt as if she made bella more her personality that bella in the book.

Are you going to go see it? did....5 times

Planning on going with anyone in particular? well i first saw with the girls on my floor, then i saw it with amber, then i saw it with jaide and tiffany, then i saw it with tiffany, then i saw it with tiffany and nicole.

Do you think it will stay true to the book? it was good, but the book was way better. the book did a better job at creating the relationship between bella and edward. if the movie could be like 4 hours, it would have been just like th book. but no one wants to see a 4 hour movie

Breaking Dawn Speculation:
Are you planning on buying this book as soon as it's out?I bought it but not the day it came out

Do you think Bella will be turned into a vampire finally? i know what happens...but i won't spoil it

Do you think she and Edward will get married? read above

Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book? same as above

Who do you think Bella will end up with : Edward or Jacob? i know

Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending? it was everything

Who do you think will be the villain(s) of the book this time?i know who they are

How would you feel about a possible vampire / werewolf cross? anything's possible in twilight

Will Charlie find out Edward is a vampire? i know

Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse? read it

If anyone, who do you think will die in this book? This is getting old

For a twist: there is alwasy a twist

Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book? I know what happens

What do you most want to happen in Breaking Dawn? blah

What's your dream ending? I liked how it ended

A Few Last Things:
In which book did you like Bella's character best? Twilight or Breaking Dawn, its a tie

How about Edward's? umm....I would say Eclipse, but he is a jerk about the Jacob thing. either Twilight or Breaking Dawn. another tie

Jacob's? New Moon but eclipse is a close second although he is a

Alice's?hmmm tough one...probably new moon

If it were possible...who would you most want to meet in person? well moviewise robert! but bookwise, hmmmm toughy...maybe jacob, but then again he's far too young for me. i'll change that answer to either edward or emmitt

The End.


Unknown said...

i love that i can persuade you to fill out time consuming surveys.

just_me_tiff said...

if Denise asked you to jump off of a bridge would you do that too?!?! geeez hahaha

Unknown said...

oh Tiff, just fill out the survey already.