Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Midterms and Kenya

So this week has been so stressful. I'm trying to prepare for my trip to Kenya in which I leave Thursday early morning. This week is also midterms. I had one test monday and I have two tomorrow (one in one of my 3 classes tomorrow and the other I have to make up since i miss it on thursday). On Thursday in the airport, I have to take my 4th test of the week proctered by that teacher who happens to be our facutly sponsor for the trip. That class is the class where the class average on the first test was 58%. So that is a stressful test. I'm so burned out. I hope I survive tomorrow!


just_me_tiff said...

it will be so worth it! soon all of these tests will be behind you and you will be on your way to Africa!!! AMAZING

Unknown said...


Rpizzle and i believe in you! it will all be worth it (:

hooray for Africa!

Nicky Stade said...

I was thinking of you today! We are learning about the countries of Africa in homeschooling and Kenya came up today. Your name came to mind. =) Have a safe trip!!