Monday, November 10, 2008

Tag You're It

Maggie tagged me, so here is the game: the rules are that when you are tagged you have to share 7 things about yourself and then tag 7 other people...

1. This may come as no surprise, but I am a very picky eater. The only vegetables I like are corn and lettuce and I only eat lettuce with a lot of salad dressing. My favorite food of all time is chicken strips. I'll go eat anywhere as long as the restaurant has chicken strips and most likely that is what I'll order. I don't like chinese or mexican. I do however like Italian food, usually I'll eat fetuccini alfredo.

2. I was homeschooled until 2nd quarter my 5th grade year. I did enjoy being homeschooled because it meant I could get all my assignments done in the morning and do whatever I wanted in the afternoon. Not that I didn't like public school either, it was just nice to be able to do homework at my own pace and not have homework in the evening after school because I got it all done in the morning.

3. I absolutly love Christmas music. It is my favorite time of year because it gives me an excuse to listen to it. I'll admit I have even occasionally in the summer listen to a Christmas song or two. Christmas music just cheers me up and makes me happy.

4. I have completed a full blown research study and I get to present my findings at a couple of conferences and in front of my school. Even though it is a lot of work and I hate speaking in front of people, I enjoy it because I feel like I've accomplished a great task. Even better, I found some significance in my study!

5. I enjoy cleaning. It may come as a surprise especially if you have been to my house and seen my room. Here at school I clean at least once a week which includes cleaning all of the bathroom including floor and vacuum my room. During the week I try to keep my room as tidy as possible even making my bed. I find cleaning as a way to release stress and I all around feel better. Lysol dissinfectant spray happens to be my alltime favorite because when I use that in the bathroom and on my sink after cleaning, I feel like my cleaning is complete because all the germs are gone (or at least 99.9% of them).

6. I have chronic pancreatitis. No one still knows the cause of it because it is heretic and I have no family history of it. The doctors are still trying to figure it out. I haven't had an attack for a couple years now and I hope I don't have another one ever again.

7. I hate crying in front of people so even when I am in a lot of physical pain I will hold back my tears. Now this does not hold true when I am home and in front of my parents. Something about the presence of my parents makes me want to cry more when I'm hurt. Same holds true when I am upset about a situation. I will not cry in front of anyone. Once when I was 8 I jammed my finger during softball practice when I put my hand in my glove before the ball came and it hit my finger. Everyone asked me if I was alright and I told them I was because I figured if I didn't everyone would call me a baby just like my brother and sister did at home. Because I was 8 and in a lot of pain, I passed out on the field a few minutes later.

ok, I don't have anyone to tag because pretty much everyone has been tagged that reads my blog. so basically if you haven't done this yet and havent' been tagged before, then tag you are it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you don't like Chinese or Mexican?!!?!? ...... D:

i don't know what it is about parents either... but usually when i'm in a tough spot i call my mom or dad and just hearing their voices makes me want to cry lol.